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Most ink is derived from ubeans. Different kinds of plants and ash provide the pigments.

Paper is made from a populous strain of roasp nest. Common paper is a bit grainy, but holds up well against the elements and is readily available. Jorvik's government has a high demand for paper, which forms one of its important industries and exports. Artisan paper, pure white or delicately colored, is a specialty of the Aylar Clan.


Before the onset of the Slow Burn, a few, a very few, saw what approached over the horizon inexorably. These began an ambitious project to store away the world's knowledge in a persistent form, something those who followed them could use to rebuild. Into a mountain in cold, dry north, around their slow, slow clock, they hoarded the works of the world, and agents to protect and ensure them. Their descendants, both physical and intellectual, hid themselves away from the burn, around this ticking trove, and waited.

Decades crept into centuries crept into millennia, and this slight, monastic order guarded their clock and their minds. They dipped into its treasures ever so rarely, bot to make sure it was running apace, and that their vision had not wavered. The perils of the wild and the desperations of the masses were avoided through the use of subtle illusions.

Locus: Outbuildings - Part III

The tables from part I and part II of this series were used to create two sample estates, Nornodd and Lockewick. Each was given four outbuildings with two traits each.

The presence or qualities of a single outbuilding can affect the role or nature of the entire estate and suggest its history as well.

Next week, part IV, more sample estates.


This Gasmith estate pastures, slaughters, and renders old ghasts. It’s a property of the Bouchol Clan which suffers an unpopular reputation for doing unpleasant but needed work, so is constantly understaffed.

The main house is a severe fieldstone


Nearly everyone in the Land of Still Waters speaks common. It is a trade and travel tongue, not well suited to discussing philosophy or other abstract concepts. However, if you know Common, you will be able to get a room, haggle over livestock, alert your companions to danger, or discuss the weather no matter where you are in the Land.


Like their larger cousin basilisks, Thaia-thaan'ag's cockatrices can spurt gouts of venomous blood from beneath their eyes. However, they trade size and ferocity for limited flight and predatory cunning.


Though a certain pallette of ingredients is common across the Land, their preparation varies wildly. This list is not exhaustive, but does account for foods available with any degree of regularity and reliability. Things vary by season and how productive the year has been.

  • Corn, rye, and ubeans form the staple crops. They compliment each other nicely in terms of crop rotation, so fields need to be left fallow less often than in the past. 
  • Next in popularity come onions, potatoes, sunchokes, gourds, pumpkins, cabbage, and carrots.
  • Nearly all housholds keep an herb garden of basil, bergamont, sage, parsley, cilantro, and mint. In additiont to cooking, these are used for preparing tea.
  • Orchards grow apples, pears, grapes, and peaches. Berries are mostly harvested from the wild.
  • Gardens and farms are full of tomatoes, greens, hot chiles, and peas.
  • Acadia enjoys a near-monopoly on salt production.

Sick Country

Outside the Land of Still Waters, beyond the Borderlands, there's sick country.
